My mom delivered the stash, take a peek:
Here's what has always amazed me about Morels! They grow out the woods but only grow when its a certain temperature and when there is a certain level of humidity and under dead elm trees its almost like trying to find big foot... I have never been successful hunting Morels but I would seriously think about hunting whomever is successful hunting them :) Here is what you need for this exotic trip to the woods of central Ohio.
Skillet - cast iron if you have it, if not think about getting one they are wonderful.
Heat your skillet over med high heat and melt your butter. The mushrooms were delivered soaking in salt water (good looking out Mom!) which pulls out all the hidden soil. After a quick rinse and pat down they are tossed in a flour, salt and pepper mixture.
Hot Butter + Morels = I will fight you for them...
At this point I'm totally considering telling my wife that they have been burnt or stolen so I can eat them all!
You can use any dipping sauce that you like but that would be like having a 40 dollar strip steak cooked well done! Straight to the face with these lovely morsels we call morels! Stay hungry my friends.